There is nothing remarkable about these days... the weather is damp, the hours of daylight are short, the house is quiet. Books are being read, photo archives are being sorted out, words are being written down, turkey is being slowly eaten up. I am grateful for this time, which was badly needed.
I feel I have completed 2011 now*, and I am ready for 2012 which is going to be my year of being kind to myself... whatever that means... we will find out... I like adventures.
*See Megan's post for more about this: http://thescentofwater.typepad.com/archive/2011/12/christmas.html
With thanks to my Flickr contacts for these beautiful images:1. waiting for you, 2. 095, 3. Feather collection, 4. DETERMINATION, 5. Untitled, 6. Untitled, 7. january0211_1, 8. Voewood heart, 9. Pine Cones
What a lovely wistful post and those images just capture the mood too. Wishing you very best wishes for 2012.
Pretty images. I hope that the headache has gone.
I'm looking forward to seeing more of your painting in 2012.
Happy New Year!
oh so lovely, wishing you a very happy new year, I hope it brings you everything you wish for x
Beautiful montage of photographs, all very still and ethereal. I also felt inspired by the gorgeous set of Great Expectations. Wishing you a wonderful 2012.
A lovely mosaic Sue, particularly the feather collection. I have a small collection of feathers which is growing slowly, their delicate beauty never ceases to please me.
A year of being kind to oneself.....I like that Sue. I certainly hope that is just that for you.
Best wishes for 2012, it's been a joy to read your posts and accompany you on part of the journey.
Claire X
I'm waiting for the right moment to settle down and watch Great Expectations (my favorite Dickens). You are right - these pictures do capture something of Miss Havisham's decay.
Beautiful images and I understand entirely the idea of being kind to yourself and having more time to play. I hope you achieve all that and more in 2012.
Such a wonderful post :D
Every best wish for 2012 Sue :D
All the best for 2012 Sue. Looking forward to reading about your adventures!
Sue, we are still in our farewell to 2011 hours now, while you've already been able to welcome the New Year.
I admire all the images in your 2011 mosaic, and am looking forward to seeing what you will create in the New Year (hoping that you will continue the painting.)
How lucky I am to have met you, and how much I do admire your approach to your creativity. You encourage me to take a look at some local cobwebs. Yes, that was a Havisham reference.
Happy New Year to you, full of kindnesses and adventures.
Lovely collage! And a Happy New Year to you!
Being kind to oneself sounds like a very good resolution!
By being kinder with ourselves we will certainly have a positive effect on others...and on and on. Your collage does give a wistful feeling.
Lovely post, beautiful images! :)
Happy 2012!
Vivienne x
Lovely pictures.
Happy New Year.
Happy new year, sorry it's so belated. I hope that 2012 brings you good things and that you succeed in being kinder to yourself - something we could all try more at, I expect.
Adventures are always exciting. I'm looking forward to reading more about yours.
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